“Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.” Psalm 99:5 NIrV


Lesson 1 - Sing a Song of Praise

Scripture: Psalm 150, Praise the Lord

The book of Psalms is really an ancient song book filled with 150 songs that praise and

honor God. Singing praise songs is what we commonly think of when we think of

worship. We can sing to God anytime we want to praise the Lord, not just at church.

Objective: Kids will learn that we worship God with our words.

Lesson 2 - Whenever And Wherever

Scripture: John 4:1-25, Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman

The Jews worshiped in the temple; the Samaritans worshiped on a particular mountain.

The Samaritan woman wanted to know which way was best. Jesus revealed that true

worship can happen wherever we are.

Objective: Kids will learn that worship can happen anywhere, not just church.

Lesson 3 - Step Up

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50, Jesus Anointed

In gratitude for who Jesus was, a woman came to him with an expensive jar of perfume

and used it to anoint Jesus and wash his feet. This gift was her act of worship to Jesus.

We can worship God with our actions as well. When we give our tithes to God or spend

time helping someone we are worshipping God.

Objective: Kids will learn that we worship God with our actions.

Lesson 4 - With All My Might

Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:12-23, David Dances Before God

When the holy Ark of the Covenant came back to Jerusalem, King David was so full of

joy, he could not contain it. He danced and worshiped God through the streets. David

shows us that we worship God when we don’t worry about whether we look “cool” when

worship, but we only focus on giving God glory.

Objective: Kids will learn that we worship God by not being embarrassed about what

other people think of how much we love God.

Lesson 5 - In Good Times. . .

Scripture: Exodus 14:31-15:21, The Song of Moses and Miriam

God performed an amazing miracle when He parted the waters and saved the Israelites

from Pharaoh’s army. They were so overwhelmed by God’s blessing that Moses and

Miriam led them in praise and worship to their God.

Objective: Kids will learn that we worship God by thanking Him when good things


Lesson 6 - . . . And in Bad Times

Scripture: Job 1, Job Loses Everything

In the course of one day, Job lost nearly everything he had, including his children. Even

in these terrible times, Job still praised God. God is good, even when we don’t

understand why bad things happen.

Objective: Kids will learn that we worship God by praising Him when life is hard.

Lesson 7 - Even When Others Don’t

Scripture: Acts 16:16-34, Paul and Silas in Prison

Paul and Silas had suffered many hardships on their journey, including imprisonment.

Even from their jail cell, when they were surrounded by many people who didn’t know

Jesus, the two men sang praises to God. Their worship of God helped other people see

how good God is and ultimately the jailer and his whole family were saved.

Objective: Kids will learn that they can give God praise even when no one else does.

Lesson 8 - With Our Whole Life

Scripture: Romans 12:1-11, Living Sacrifice

The ultimate act of worship is to give our whole lives to God. The world says to do

things one way; but when we do things God’s way, we honor Him. Loving God, serving

others, and setting ourselves apart for God, are all acts of worship pleasing to God.

Objective: Kids will learn what it means to worship God as living sacrifices.