Reaching Up to God......Out to others .......In to Each Other
Our LINKS Missionaries for 2022-2023 are all from the Kansas City District.
- Brian and Julie Woolery (Japan)
- Daniel & Marla Deleon (Guatemala)
- Deanna - (Creative Access)
One of our Missionaries is in CREATIVE ACCESS and SECURED AREAS. Missionaries in creative access areas cannot speak publicly about religion. When we communicate with them, we must avoid words that refer to missions, church, believer, salvation, Sunday, religion, God, Holy Spirit, or Jesus, etc. But, we can still let our missionary families know that we have them in our thoughts and prayers. If you wish to send her a card, keep these communication restrictions in mind and please put your card or letter in an unsealed envelope. Here is a little information about our missionaries.
Brian and Julie Woolery are in Keystone Nazarene Church in Okinawa Japan. Brian is the pastor. They have an English speaking church that services English speaking Japanese as well as U.S. Military personnel stationed in Okinawa. They also serve Japanese that are wanting to improve their knowledge of the English language. July is a teacher at Christian School International (OCI) as a Literacy Support Teacher or reading specialist. They have two sons, Noah and Justin who attend school where their mother teaches. Their prayer requests include:
Brian's Doctor of Ministry Studies
Ministry opportunities through Julie's work
Following God's leading as Pastor of Keystone Nazarene Church
Balance between family and ministry responsibilities
Relationships with our Japanese community
Additional challenges are that Japan is an open nation but is the 2nd largest unreached group. Also, Japanese is a very difficult language to learn.
Deanna is in a CREATIVE ACCESS ARE (see restrictions) Wish List; Coffee, chocolate, recipes for baking, spices. She plans to use recipes and cookie exchanges to build relationships. Hobbies: Riding bikes, loves coffee, baking.
Please remember to pray for the missionaries special to our church:
Rob & Cindy North, Africa
David & Sylvia Potter, Southeast Asia
Scott & Gail Dooley, Papa New Guinea
Scott & Emily Armstrong, Dominican Republic
Dave & shelly Webb, Costa Rica
Chris & Shelly
Jaron & Elizabeth Graham, New Zealand